Welcome to the website of Loddon Lodge 8223, a lodge of Freemasons in Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom. Loddon Lodge meets at The Masonic Hall, Victoria Street, Basingstoke on the second Thursday of each month between October and May, which we have done since 1968. Today, our membership is made up of men from all backgrounds who range in age from their twenties to their eighties. All meet here as equals in the spirit of ‘making good men better’, with a strong emphasis on enjoyment and developing lasting friendships.
Each year, a different member of the lodge assumes the office of Master. He will nominate a particular charity to benefit from lodge fundraising during his year ‘in the chair’; The 2027 Festival Appeal is the lodge’s chosen charity for the current 2024/25 year. However, we also regularly contribute to many other causes, both Masonic and non-Masonic in nature, including the recently completed 2016 Festival Appeal (long-term fundraiser) in support of the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys.
Are you interested in becoming a Freemason or learning more about what we do? We are always happy to hear from anyone wishing to join us. Loddon prides itself on being a very friendly lodge, and you can be assured of a warm welcome. Have a look at our Join Us page or simply drop us an email at join@loddonlodge.com to find out more.
Meetings were paused during 2020, due to Covid and 2021 returned to some normality. We’re fully back to normal now though in 2023.
Our new WM Jim was installed in May’24.
Our annual black tie Gala night is in Weymouth in March’25. The Hampshire Masonic podcast can be found here.
Click on the red events link below for details of this and other events
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