Frequently Asked Questions
What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is described as being “a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols”. It is founded on the principals of brotherly love, relief and truth – roughly translated as friendship, charity and honesty.
What happens at your meetings?
Freemasons are taught the aforementioned principles through participation in two-part plays (referred to as “degree ceremonies”) and are encouraged to conduct themselves in society based on the principles within. The words and actions – “ritual” – are learned by heart. This constitutes the majority of a typical meeting, after which we dine together on the Basingstoke Masonic Centre premises.
Who are your members?
The membership of Loddon, or in fact almost any, Lodge consists of men of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, professions and walks of life. At our meetings all men meet as equals, regardless of their position in society.
Why do people become Freemasons?
Every Freemason will have his own reasons for joining, but it’s important to stress that nobody should expect preferential treatment or personal gain from doing so. This is emphasised repeatedly to each prospective candidate during the joining process. The structure and working of the lodge and the sequence of ceremonial events, which are usually followed by social gatherings, offer members a framework for companionship, teamwork, character development and enjoyment of shared experiences.
Who can become a Freemason?
Freemasonry is open to men of all faiths, being of mature age (that is, usually, over 21), sound judgement and strict morals.
What are the costs?
All lodges vary, but each member of Loddon Lodge must pay a fixed annual subscription fee. There is a small one-off Initiation fee payable on joining the lodge as a candidate. Dining after each meeting is very reasonably priced; strictly speaking, this is optional, but recommended as it’s a valuable part of the Masonic experience. In addition, Freemasons are encouraged to donate to charity, but only within their individual means and without detriment to family and personal commitments, which should always take priority.
If you have any further questions, simply get in touch via our Contact Us page!